In this article, I will list the steps needed to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster on a private Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Kubernetes cluster using Helm, from creating a docker image with Elasticsearch, to the creation of a private Kubernetes cluster and more.
Let’s begin.
Docker image
First, we need to create our own docker image for elasticsearch, based on the official image provided by elastico. This step is mandatory, because we do not have any connectivity to the official repository from inside a private GCP cluster.
So, on my computer, I’m creating a Dockerfile with the following content:
Next step is to build the image and tag (replace PROJECT_ID).
docker build --tag elasticsearch-gcs:7.5.0 . docker tag elasticsearch-gcs:7.5.0
Then, I push the newly created image to internal gcp repository of my project.
docker push
If needed, I authenticate to be able to push the image:
gcloud auth configure-docker
VPC network and client VM
We will create a dedicated VPC network for the cluster.
gcloud compute networks create elasticsearch-network --subnet-mode=custom
Create a subnet in our VPC network.
gcloud compute networks subnets create elasticsearch-subnet \ --network=elasticsearch-network --range=
Create VM which will be used to run kubectl commands.
gcloud compute instances create --subnet=elasticsearch-subnet \ --scopes cloud-platform es-cluster-proxy
Make note of the IP of the VM, or get it:
export CLIENT_IP=`gcloud compute instances describe es-cluster-proxy \
Create a firewall rule to allow SSH access to the VPC network.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create elasticsearch-proxy-ssh --network elasticsearch-network \ --allow tcp:22
Serverless VPC access
Create a serverless VPC access for cloud functions. Do not forget to change the region parameter (ex: europe-west2).
gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create elasticsearch-cluster \ --network elasticsearch-network \ --region REGION \ --range
Don’t forget to update all cloud functions to use the newly created VPC connector using:
--vpc-connector projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/connectors/elasticsearch-cluster
VPC network peering
In order for our backend API to be able to make request to the cluster, we need to peer networks together, that is default network with our newly created network elasticsearch-network.
gcloud compute networks peerings create elasticsearch-default-peer \ --network=default \ --peer-project PROJECT_ID \ --peer-network elasticsearch-network \ --auto-create-routes
Private cluster
Let’s continue by creating a private cluster with no public IP on compute engines used by the cluster. Do not forget to change the zone parameter (ex: europe-west2-a) and to configure the cluster so that it fits your needs.
gcloud container clusters create "elasticsearch-cluster" \ --zone "ZONE" \ --no-enable-basic-auth \ --cluster-version "1.14.10-gke.21" \ --machine-type "n1-standard-1" \ --image-type="cos_containerd" \ --disk-type "pd-standard" \ --disk-size "50" \ --metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \ --scopes "","","","","","" \ --num-nodes "3" \ --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \ --enable-ip-alias \ --enable-private-nodes \ --enable-private-endpoint \ --master-ipv4-cidr \ --network elasticsearch-network \ --subnetwork=elasticsearch-subnet \ --no-issue-client-certificate \ --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing \ --enable-autoupgrade \ --enable-autorepair \ # --enable-master-authorized-networks \ # --master-authorized-networks <IP>/32
Allow access to VM
We update our cluster to authorize access from our previously created VM.
gcloud container clusters update elasticsearch-cluster \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks <VM_IP>/32
Note that this can also be done at cluster creation.
Elasticsearch cluster
Connect to VM
Connect to proxy VM either with GCP interface in browser, or using gcloud.
gcloud compute ssh es-cluster-proxy
Install tools
Install kubectl
sudo apt-get install kubectl
Install helm.
$ curl > $ chmod 700 $ ./ $ helm init
Add elastic helm charts repo.
helm repo add elastic
Connect to cluster
Get cluster credentials.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials elasticsearch-cluster \ --zone ZONE --internal-ip
Prepare configuration
Create a YAML file to personalize elasticsearch installation (Change PROJECT_ID).
--- service: type: LoadBalancer annotations: Internal replicas: 2 image: "" imageTag: "7.5.0" resources: requests: cpu: "100m"
Here, we add an annotation so that an internal load balancer will be deployed to expose our cluster on the internal network. We also specify the image to be used, that is our internal image.
Install elasticsearch
Install elasticsearch with helm.
helm install --values ./es-config.yml elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch
In order to assess deployment, make a request to the IP of the internal load balancer.
$ curl $ curl
If for any reason, you need to uninstall elasticsearch from cluster, connect back to the VM and connect kubectl
to cluster, then :
helm uninstall elasticsearch
# Get cluster state. kubectl get all # Get pods kubectl get pods # Check a pod kubectl describe pod <pod-name> # List gcp images gcloud container images list # Configure password kubectl create secret generic elastic-credentials --from-literal=password=test --from-literal=username=elastic # Delete secrets kubectl delete secrets elastic-credentials
This is the result of aggregating multiple sources of documentation – listed right below – it is adviced to go through each link to get a better understanding of the whole process.
- Creating GKE private clusters with network proxies for master access
- Creating a private cluster with no client access to the public endpoint
- Generating a kubeconfig entry using a private cluster’s internal IP address
- Creating custom images
- Running and Deploying Elasticsearch on Kubernetes
- Elasticsearch Helm Chart
merci de votre post. Particularment
`gcloud container clusters get-credentials elasticsearch-cluster \
–zone ZONE –internal-ip `
avec le argument `–internal-ip.`
c’est marche bien!